Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Help Donate To Typhoon Victims Relief Effort

The problems of climate change are real, as is evidenced by the recent typhoon in the Philippines.  To donate to the relief effort, please go to the attached link.  Doctors Without Boarders has been a stalwart, Nobel Peace Prize winning organization on the front lines of world crises.https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/donate/truenorth/onetime_philippines.cfm?source=AZD131101D01&q=general_C_US_Haiyan&source=AZD131101D01&gclid=CIbFwpWc4LoCFe1xQgodcwsAgw&mpch=ads

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mosquito That Carries Dengue Virus And Yellow Fever Virus Discovered In California

I teach Virology and Advanced Virology courses at the University and I found this news article interesting.  The mosquito that carries various viruses including Dengue virus and Yellow Fever virus has been discovered in California.  Presently, we have a vaccine for Yellow Fever (17D), but none for Dengue virus.  http://www.ibtimes.com/yellow-fever-mosquito-aedes-aegypti-found-california-very-difficult-control-1433136